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LLB Invest KAG ranks first on the Austrian investment fund market
Vienna, 9 November 2020. For the first time, LLB Invest Kapitalanlagegesellschaft m.b.H. has ranked first on the Austrian investment fund market based on the number of funds managed, according to the current statistic of the Association of Austrian Investment Companies (Vereinigung Ă–sterreichischer Investmentgesellschaften, VĂ–IG).
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This is a marketing notification. The information contained in this publication constitutes neither a request or an offer, nor a recommendation on the acquisition or sale of funds or on carrying out other transactions. A marketing notification serves a mere marketing purpose, is no legally binding contractual document, is not provided for by mandatory law and does not suffice as a basis for decisions on investments or replace individual investment advice. By purchasing a fund you acquire share certificates in the fund and not the financial instruments invested in the same directly. The costs of the fund, such as, e.g., the management fee or the offering premium, reduce the return/performance of the fund.